Risalat Islamic Theology Course



Salamun Alaykum,

Alhamdulilah, by the grace of the Almighty, the Risalat International Institute will be holding a 10-session Islamic Theology Course (Aqaid) in English based on its new publication Islamic Belief System.


  • Session dates: Thursdays 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (beginning on October 8th, 2015)
  • Venue:Risalat International Institute
  • Instructor:  Sr. Zahra Golzar
    • A graduate of Qum University in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, and a graduate of Shi‘a studies at the Jami’at al-Zahra Seminary. She also taught Islamic Theology for various groups.
  • Fees: 
    • Course: 30,000 toman deposit (Note: upon attending all classes and completion of the course, this will be returned. 3,000 toman will be deducted for every absence, with an allowance of up to one absence.)
    • Textbook: a discounted price of 20,000 toman
  • Deposits: Payable to the Risalat International Institute – Wednesday, Sep. 30th and Thursday Oct. 1st between 9 am – 1 pm.

Registration deadline: Oct. 1st, 2015 

NOTE:  Registration requires commitment. You will be notified if your application has been accepted, but registration will not be confirmed until deposits have been received. If you are unable to give a deposit, please let us know.



To apply for the classes, please fill out the following form:



To know more about the class, please visit this link: https://prezi.com/xt6ookpbz3hz/theology/

For more information please contact the Risalat Office at 025-37745594 weekday mornings before 1 pm.