We are pleased to announce that an upcoming online course is to be held on: ISLAMIC TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM

Instructors: Dr. Mohammad Ali Shomali & Moulana Nabi Raza Mir Abidi
with a team of Instructors from the Risalat International Institute

It is a *6-week intensive* made up of 60 hours live zoom content and 20 hours of independent study.
The program will require participation in 60 hours of live sessions on Zoom and 20 hours of independent study. To qualify for the certificate, students must attend at least 90% of classes and pass an examination. The program will run from July 6 – August 16, 2020 inshallah.

*The program is content-based, largely covering Islamic beliefs and morals, with six hours on Islamic educational theory.

Instructors will use the following books:

-Islamic Belief System:
-Islamic Plan for Life:

Below is the schedule for live sessions:

Mondays / Wednesdays /Fridays: 5 – 7 p.m. PST (8 – 9 p.m. EST)
Saturdays: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. PST (12 – 3 p.m. EST)

*Note: It is a requirement to commit to all four days in the week.

Program Eligibility:

Islamic school / Sunday school teacher or has applied to teach
Proficient in English
Plans to participate in the full program

*Please note that there is no restriction on location. If you reside outside of North America, the program is also open to you if you can manage to attend all sessions in your time zone.

In order to register, please visit